Saturday, June 8, 2019

AUTO BET BOT for 2019

 Before you proceed read the TERMS OF USE of here.

The FreebitcoAutoBetBot is a tool designed to bet automatically the correct amount of BTC in order cover your previous loses and gain profit every time. The bigger your balance the safer the betting, Our calculations concluded that if you have a balance above 0.005 BTC then the possibility of loss will be 0.02%! Mathematical proofs that define the function of this tool are to be uploaded.

1. Latest Java version installed in your computer.

2. FreebitcoAutoBetBot, download here. (works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS - 64bit arch)
(The above links were created with link shortener (You can make money from ads using adfly), some antivirus may mark it as dangerous, but it is safe. If you are unsure about the safety of these links run a security scan here:

 3. A NEW (do not use an existing) account to 
if you use the referral link above, you will also get up to 10% bonus upon of your earnings (the percentage depends on the amount of your earnings)

It is possible that your antivirus software will mark this program as dangerous. This happens because it is signed with a self-signed certificate which is not issued by a Certificate Authority.
Due to the high cost of these CA certificates a self-signed was used instead.
If you have doubts about the safety of this program then you can run a free scan in which does not take into account the existence or absence of CA certificates.

1. Extract the zip package in your computer (7zip is recommended for the extraction).

2. Open the READ ME.txt file and make sure that you agree with all the terms and conditions.

3. Go to and create a NEW (do not use an existing) account!

4. Go to the directory where you extracted the zip and double click "Start freebitcoautobetbot.bat" file

5. Accept the terms and conditions by entering "yes".
-ACCESS CODE: Obtain one for free here:
(The above link was created with link shortener (You can make money from ads using adfly), some antivirus may mark it as dangerous, but it is safe. If you are unsure about the safety of these links run a security scan here: